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ECHO Family Care Partners


Thank you for joining us at

Walk for Freedom

Let’s talk numbers:


previous involvement with child welfare services, and many were legally in the care and custody of the state while they were being prostituted by traffickers.

1 in 3

homeless teens are lured into sexual exploitation by a trafficker within 48 hours of leaving home


of homeless population in US have experienced foster care

Care for a Family

Serving a family experiencing a crisis is one of the best ways to ensure children are kept safe. 

Start a Virtual Fundraiser

Getting friends, family, and coworkers involved in a virtual fundraiser is a great way to bring awareness to the needs of foster youth at-risk of trafficking. 

Host a Lunch+Learn

Invite your team or staff to the conference room for lunch and let someone from our team facilitate a conversation about the intersection of trafficking and foster care.

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