Isolation is the Enemy
Connection Changes Everything
Social isolation plays a significant role in why some families in poverty struggle with neglect, especially those involved with foster care. Nearly 1 in 5 people in the U.S. feel isolated, and this is even more prevalent in low-income areas. Without support from friends, neighbors, or community resources, parents who are already struggling may find it hard to adequately care for their children.
This is the primary cause of neglect-related entries into foster care, making up more than 70% of all cases. The compounded stress that comes from isolation and poverty makes it even harder for parents to meet their kids' needs. To help, we need to build connections and provide the resources families need to find stability and remain engaged..

To sustainably address the needs of isolated families, ECHO builds connections between community agencies, local churches, and families in need; serving the immediate material needs as well as the long-term relational and spiritual needs of children and families right outside our front door. These connections reduce the need for foster care interventions and improves the well-being and safety of children, families, and the communities in which they live.
ECHO Builds Connections