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ECHO Family Care Partners

This Is the Movement

Randall Nichols

Movements. We all want to be part of one.

It’s not just an experience or cultural phenomenon.

This is something that shifts the culture.

Movements breaks abusive systems, empowers the oppressed, and elevates the marginalized.

Think: American Revolution, Women’s Suffrage, Civil Rights, etc.

But being part of a movement is scary. It requires risk from every participant.

This is precisely where Jesus wants us. We are not invited into comfort. We were never called to take up our hammock and follow Jesus to a killer nap spot. As nice as that sounds, that’s not the mission. If we think we’re following Jesus but none of our paths lead us to the Quartet of the Vulnerable (the widow, orphan, immigrant, and the poor) we’re not actually following Jesus, but rather a disordered and powerless demigod.

We wouldn’t be the first people to fall into this trap. The Prophets spent most of their time calling God’s people out of the enchanted trance that drew them toward disordered power systems and back toward God through the care of society’s most vulnerable.

And Jesus continues the call to us today, to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow him to the margins.

To be part of a movement, and part of the team, you must walk out each step - from

  • Teachability: let go, lean in, and learn; to

  • Empathy: move close enough to care; to

  • Action: do something about it.

I’m gonna let you off the hook:

If you don’t care or aren’t curious about helping families overcome the fracturing impacts of poverty and social isolation, if you don’t want to eliminate the need for foster care in this community, if you don’t think every child deserves to believe they belong, you’re probably going to be frustrated being part of this team. You’re likely gonna be much more fulfilled advocating another cause.

But if you care, then come on! That’s what we’re fighting for!

My childhood sage, Dr. Seuss says, “Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It’s not.”

But man, if you care deeply… let’s do this! Let’s see if we can’t work together to make things better!

Because a movement does not happen alone. A movement is born when the paths of those individuals who’ve repeatedly taken action merge to collectively push against the social current.

So if you’re still reading this, if you care deeply like we do, then consider this your invitation… your calling, even… JOIN THE TEAM - JOIN THIS MOVEMENT as we lean in and learn.

Come, let’s shift the culture.

Let’s get close to families affected by poverty and broken systems. Let’s bear the name of Christ faithfully. Let’s see families and children and communities stronger because of it.

Everybody has a role on the TEAM! This is the MOVEMENT!


Stay with us throughout the month of November for our TEAM series as we explore the values of Teachability, Empathy, Action, and Movements.

Giving Tuesday is on November 28, 2023. Add it to your calendar and make plans to give your most generous gift on this, our biggest Give Day of the year!


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