Journey Sponsor
Meeting families where there are on their journey out of crisis.
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Huxley Family
The Huxleys are foster parents to three young children. They planend to close their foster home after their youngest biological child graduated in May, but they said yes to these children as an emergency placement. They want to keep the children together, but are struggling to meet the high needs and demands for daycare, therapies, diapers and formula.
Green Family
Ms. Green is a single mother to two young children. She aged out of foster care without a permanent family and was trafficked by her then boyfriend. She is rebuilding her life with no family support. She has a job and recently passed her GED. She is working to create a stable life for her family.
Adler Family
Ms. Adler is a single mother to two young children. She aged out of foster care without a permanent family, was immediately homeless, and trafficked sometime later. She lives with a friend, but that is temporary. She has a job and is working on her GED. She is working to create a stable life for her family.
Colley Family
Ms. Colley is a single mother to her two young children. She was evicted when her home was condemned and her family was forced to take shelter in their vehicle. She has a job but her income goes to food and a few days stays in a motel. She is dependent on friends to babysit her children, so she can work a second job in the evenings. She hopes to find affordable housing in the near future.
Keller Family
Ms. Keller is a single mother to her two infants. She recently aged out of foster care without a permanent family. She passed the GED and applied to community college. She is learning to parent her babies, while holding down a full-time job. She is working to create a stable life for her family.
Muralez Family
The Muralez Family is a resettled family and new to this country. They are raising their three young children without family or community. Mr. Muralez found work near their home (he must walk to work because they do not have a car). Mrs. Muralez stays home with the children and is taking English classes.
West Family
Ms. West is a single mother to her three young children. She aged out of foster care without a permanent family and was homeless for years. She experienced several crisis pregnancies with an abusive partner. She was recently accepted into an apprentice program and hopes to have a higher paying job next year. She is working to create a stable life for her family.
James Family
The James Family are newly married and recently had a baby. Mrs. James’ sister was incarcerated and they became the legal guardians for their two young nieces. They could not afford daycare for three children and Mrs. James quit her job to stay home with them. They are struggling financially, but do not want to see their nieces lost into the foster care system.
Thatcher Family
Ms.Thatcher is a single foster parent. She currently cares for eight children (a large sibling set she did not want to see split into the system). Ms.Thatcher juggles her job and all the therapies and appointments for each of the eight children. She wants to keep the children together, in her home, but needs community support.